The PSHB (Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer) Beetle has recently arrived in Johannesburg. Its is devastating the trees of our cit. This tiny beetle and the accompanying fungus are destroying our beautiful trees Up till now the big problem has been the inability to reach both the beetle and the fusarium fungus at the depth that they penetrate into tree trunks and branches.
We have a solution from out technical partners.
As beetles bore their tunnels into the tree, they leave behind trace elements of fungi (mainly Fusarium). The female beetle lays eggs inside the tree. The fungi attack the tree preventing water uptake and killing the section of the tree.
The Fusarium serves the purpose of feeding the PSHB larva until they become adult beetles. Thereafter beetles continue to live off the Fusarium fungus. For the Fusarium to effectively grow large quantities of moisture are necessary and in the process the upper portions of the tree are robbed of its natural water supply. It is important to eradicate the fungal growth. Because larva are entirely dependent on Fusarium fungi for its growth and livelihood, the absence of Fusarium means there will be little or no larval survival and thus much reduced future beetles, and without Fusarium the beetles will starve and die.
We successfully treat both the insects and the Fungus saving trees and shrubs from a certain death